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“Blood In The Pudding”


Is drinking one’s blood or the blood of others a sin or just not wanted to be done?

Sincerely, What’s For Dinner?

Dear What’s For Dinner?,

Although there is some controversy over the subject, drinking blood is a sin.The Jews knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that drinking blood was a sin (Gen 9:4).A Jewish law is not the same as a christian law though, so we must find a New Testament teaching on the subject.In Acts 15:19-20, a letter is sent by the apostles to all the Gentile christians telling them to abstain from drinking blood or eating meat that had been strangled (thus leaving the blood in the meat).Drinking blood is put side by side with fornication as something to be avoided at all cost.The life is in the blood, and therefore it should be treated with respect (Lev 17:11).