Ask Your Preacher - Archives
“The Big 500!”
To All Our Loyal Readers,
It has been almost nine months since we flipped the switch and went live with AskYourPreacher. In that time, we have answered hundreds of e-mails privately and publicly, braved the storms of technical issues, enjoyed the blessings of your kind words, been able to connect people to faithful churches around the globe, heard reports of multiple baptisms, and made some truly lasting friendships. For all of this, we thank you and praise God.
Today, we celebrate a thrilling milestone of having posted our 500th answer. Thank you for the journey. We are humbled and thankful for the ride this far and excited for all the great days ahead. If any good has been done, the credit goes to God (1 Cor 3:7).
If we could ask one thing, it would be that you keep reading and sending in your questions. You never know what life may be touched because you had the courage to ask for a Bible answer and allow us to post it for all to see. After receiving all of your wonderful questions, more than ever, we are convinced that there is a Bible answer for every question.
With Deepest Thanks,
The AYP Team