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“Major Money”

Is going after a top-paying career or position in life the ‘love of money’? Many christian college students I've seen have either chosen or have shifted their majors to those that would produce more money.  Are they not being motivated by the love of money?  To me it seems they are no different than how people in the world act.

Business Degree?

Dear Business Degree,

Making money is not a sin… nor is being wealthy.  It is the love of money that is the root of all kinds of evil (Heb 13:5).  Solomon was an extremely wealthy man, but he was also righteous and wise (2 Chr 1:11-12).  God teaches that we should save and leave an inheritance for our children (Pr 13:22).  Saving, investing, and making money to provide for our families… those are all good things (1 Tim 5:8).

Wealth isn’t a sin unless it leads to covetousness and greed (Lk 12:15).  We must all work out our own salvation with fear and trembling (Php 2:12), constantly examining ourselves (1 Cor 11:28) that we might make sure that our heart is pure and free from greed.