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“Behind Closed Doors”

Would Jesus approve of people today praying where others can hear them (which all churches do today)?

Below is what I find in the Bible from Jesus:

Jesus said,  "When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites who love to stand up and pray in the houses of worship and on street corners, in order to be noticed.  I give you My word, they are already repaid."

"When you pray, go to a room, close the door, and pray to your Father alone.  And your Father who sees what no person sees, will hear your prayer and repay you."

"Do not pray like the pagans who use a lot of meaningless words in their prayers and think that God will hear them because their prayers are long.  Do not be like them."

"When you pray, keep in mind that the Father knows what you need before you ask Him.”

Solitary Confinement

Dear Solitary Confinement,

Jesus had no problem with public prayer... He prayed publicly in front of five thousand people (Jhn 6:10-11).  Jesus only rebuked public prayer when it was done “in order to be seen by men” (Matt 6:5).  Our prayers should never be about being noticed; they should be fervently and faithfully directed at God (Jas 1:5-7).  There are times to publicly pray, especially when we are praying together for a common concern (like the christians who prayed for Peter’s freedom - Acts 12:12).

Pray with others, pray publicly… but pray sincerely and avoid showmanship and other vain behaviors (Matt 6:7).  And above all, don’t only pray publicly.  God wants to hear from you privately as well (Matt 6:6).