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“The Rainbow Connection”
Categories: GOD, OLD TESTAMENT, RELATIONSHIPS, SALVATION, WITH MANKINDIf God knows our sinful nature, why did He destroy the earth and promise never to do it again?Sincerely,
Strong Swimmer
Dear Strong Swimmer,
God made the promise never to flood the earth again because He had a different plan in mind. Instead of leaving every man to do what was right in his own eyes until things got completely and totally depraved (as was the case before the flood – Gen 6:5-6)… He used one man to bring hope to all men.
After the Great Flood, God called Abraham to be His servant and the father of a great nation (Gen 12:1-2). God made a promise to Abraham that through Abraham’s seed, all mankind would be blessed (Gen 22:18). Jesus is the seed of Abraham (Gal 3:16). After the Great Flood, God put into motion His plan to offer salvation to all mankind through Jesus Christ. That road began with Abraham, and when the proper time came… Jesus was born (Gal 4:4).