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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“Sound Wisdom”

Categories: GRAB BAG
     Would it be okay to play some instrumental music in the church building before services, kind of like before your preaching video?

In Tune

Dear In Tune,

Our congregation has the song leaders play an instrument before every song!  It’s called a pitch pipe, and it helps us get the proper pitch for the song.  Instruments aren’t wrong… they just aren’t meant as part of worshipping the Lord.  We could pipe music through the building before services, just like a preacher could use a sound clip in a Powerpoint presentation or whistle during a sermon to illustrate a point, but there would need to be a reason for it that would show it was wise and expedient to play said instrumental music… which isn’t likely.  God tells us that it isn’t just about what we can do; it is about what is beneficial (1 Cor 8:9).  Everything we do must show doctrinal soundness (1 Tim 3:15), wisdom (Eph 5:15 – for instance: would instrumental music before worship confuse people about instrumental music during services and create a stumbling block?), and promote a worship service that is done decently and in order (1 Cor 14:40).