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“Division Of Leaven Pt. 2”


(This question is a follow-up to “Division Of Leaven”)

     How much of a pattern is one to follow?  You require one to follow the "order" Jesus used in taking the Lord’s Supper, but you don't require the distributor to break the bread prior to serving it?  Why do you pick and choose and say the latter requirement would be non-essential to the pattern?  Why not say the order is also arbitrary because essentially the juice will beat the bread in the digestive system anyway?

Broken Up Over The Issue

Dear Broken Up Over The Issue,

Good brethren are divided over whether or not it is an important detail to physically break the unleavened loaf.  Unleavened bread is flat because it doesn’t have the yeast to make it rise – like a cracker.  Some brethren think it is required to break the bread; other folks point to Scriptures that use the term “break the bread” as a colloquialism to generically refer to any meal.  The argument isn’t over whether or not we should break the bread – the disagreement is over whether or not “break the bread” in this context means to share the bread (a common meaning of the phrase) or to physically crack the bread into pieces.  It is best not to be too dogmatic because there is no way to know definitively.