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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“New To Us Pt. 2”


(This is a follow-up to “New To Us”.)

     What are the exact Scriptures that spell out the new laws Christ established?  If I had a list of the laws, it sure would be easier to make sure I'm following them.  It seems like every time I visit services, my preacher finds something in Scripture I must follow that I didn't see before.  If he weren't delineating all the laws for me to follow, I'm sure I would be lost. How do I know when a principle has been followed well enough and followed to absolute truth?  Seems like doing my best isn't good enough when I'm told I can always be more right.

A minus

Dear A minus,

The whole New Testament is the compiled set of laws that Christ established.  Christianity isn’t just a short set of rules that can be quickly mastered.  The Bible is a life-changing book that you will spend a lifetime applying to your heart, mind, and actions.  The apostle Paul said that it was like an athlete carefully preparing his body for a match – we must shape our entire being around Christ (1 Cor 9:25-27).

Ps 119:160 says that the sum of God’s Word is truth.  If there were a short list of things you needed to do to be like Christ, we wouldn’t need the whole Bible.  The Bible is exactly the size it needs to be to convey all the ideas and principles God knows we need.

But don’t despair!  God understands that you don’t know everything and that we are all works in progress.  Being a Christian is like growing up – we start as babies and take baby steps until we get stronger (1 Pet 2:2).  Instead of feeling dismayed at all the things you don’t know yet, think of every new principle you will learn like a precious gem that God gives us along the way to heaven.