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“Mixed Swimming”

Categories: GRAB BAG
     I know in the Bible there is a verse about not to do "mixed bathing".  Some fellow Christians don't allow their children to swim because of this.  I feel there is a big difference in washing yourself naked while others are doing the same around you versus having fun and staying cool in the water or competing on the swim team.  I realize that modesty is of great concern with the itsy-bitsy bikinis that some choose to wear, but I feel if I teach my daughter to pick the most modest one we can find (and Mom wears knee length swim shorts and modest top as example), then is it still sinful?  I guess my concern is that I was raised "of the world", and we went swimming all the time; I think it seems innocent enough, but I want to make sure that I am not allowing my worldly past to affect the Christ-like upbringing of my children.

Sink Or Swim

Dear Sink Or Swim,

Good brethren are divided over this issue because there aren’t any verses that directly address the issue of swimming etiquette.  You are right that there is a big difference between staying cool in the water and washing yourself naked with others, and that is why the issue is so tricky.  If we were dealing with the question of whether or not men and women should go to nude beaches, the answer would be simple – NO.  However, this issue is more nuanced.

Here are some principles to consider:

  1. We must always be modest ourselves (1 Tim 2:9).  Whatever your swimming choices, modest swimwear is a must.  As you already know, finding such swimwear often takes a lot more effort than just going down to the mall.
  2. We need to think about what sort of environment we are in.  If you are dressed modestly, but everyone else is in immodest swimwear, then you are putting yourself and your family in a situation where you can be corrupted (1 Cor 15:33) and led away by temptation (1 Jn 2:16).
  3. You also need to consider the principles and message that your children will be learning.  Are you making sure that your kids are understanding the bigger issues involved with modesty, appropriate behavior between men and women, etc.?  It is a parent’s job to raise their children with godly virtues (Pr 22:6).

After looking at these principles, some families opt out of public swimming, while others feel comfortable that they can swim in a righteous manner.  You and your family need to make that decision for yourself.