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Categories: GRAB BAG
Hi.  I don’t believe in ghosts, but I do believe in demons, and I believe they get mistaken for ghosts sometimes.  Is this possible, and if it is, is it wrong to be a demonologist?  I know that demonologists sometimes provoke them to try and get evidence for skeptics by doing EGPs (electronic ghost phenomena).  Does it say anything in the Bible about provoking demons, even to try and prove their existence?  Thank you.


Dear Demonologist,

The Bible tells us that demons are no longer allowed to interact with humans in the way that they did in earlier biblical times.  When Jesus’ disciples were sent out to preach and perform miracles, they came back ecstatic that they were casting out demons (Lk 10:17).  Jesus told them that they were vanquishing Satan and his demons, and Satan was being cast down because of what they were doing (Lk 10:18).  Jesus and His disciples permanently destroyed Satan’s minions’ ability to possess people.  Once the demons were cast out – they were cast out for good (see the case of the demons cast into pigs as an example – Mk 5:11-13).  Thanks to Christ, we don’t have to worry about this issue today.  Satan and his demons have been bound by the work Christ did two thousand years ago (Lk 11:20-22).

Demons do exist, but studying them in the scientific realm would be as fruitful as studying angels in the scientific realm.  Both are spiritual beings and do not conform to scientific study (Eph 6:12, 1 Cor 3:1).