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“Giving From The Heart”

Categories: GRAB BAG
I am a Christian and was raised Southern Baptist.  I have a question: where does God stand on donating organs or marrow?  I'd like to put it on my license, but I don't know what the Bible says about it.  Help?

Good Bones

Dear Good Bones,

The Bible never specifically addresses organ donation, but it does tell us that what happens to our bodies after we die isn’t important.  When we die, our soul is separated from our body (Jas 2:26).  Our soul flies away at death (Ps 90:10), and our body returns to dust (Gen 3:19).  In short, our body is just a vessel that we use for a time until we go to meet God (Heb 9:27).  After death, what happens to our body is of no spiritual consequence… which means organ donation is a perfectly legitimate decision.