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“Internal Struggle”

Why does God allow for people to be born mentally disabled or with different disorders when it is hard enough just being a normal person and having to deal with everyday struggles?

Compassionate Questioner

Dear Compassionate Questioner,

All disease and illness are a consequence of sin.  When Adam and Eve sinned, their bodies began to die (Gen 2:17).  When mankind was kicked out of the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:24), diseases of all sorts began to creep in.  Mental diseases are just one consequence of that fateful decision that Adam and Eve made.  God didn’t cause these disorders; we did.

On the other hand, God offers eternity without disease.  Heaven will be a place without death, pain, disease, or sorrow (Rev 21:4)… and heaven isn’t only reserved for the brightest and most intelligent.  Because God loves us, anyone can go to heaven and have all their pains and troubles cured (Jhn 3:16).  All we must do to go to heaven is to give God our best down here on earth.  For those suffering with debilitating mental disorders, their situation often means a guaranteed ticket to eternity with God because they are as innocent as children (see the article “Of Sound Mind” for further details).  Because of mankind’s sins, many people will suffer in this life, but we have a fair and just God who will make all hurt disappear in the long run if we place our faith in Him (Jhn 14:6, Rom 10:17, Heb 11:6).