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“Fight For Thought”

Categories: GRAB BAG
Is fighting sinful?

Lacing Up The Gloves

Dear Lacing Up The Gloves,

Most fighting is bad, but some things are worth fighting for.  We are commanded to not fight out of selfishness (Jas 4:1-2) or to fight out of anger (Eph 4:26).  However, Paul pleads with us to fight for our salvation and never quit (1 Tim 4:7).  We are supposed to fight for the truth and never sell out (1 Tim 6:12).  Christians don’t fight to destroy people; we fight spiritual battles (Eph 6:11-13).  We must fight for God’s truth and stand firmly by the Bible (1 Tim 3:15, Pr 23:23).  It is perfectly fine to fight to protect your family or to defend others against attackers, muggers, etc. (Lk 22:36, Ex 22:2).  Recreational fighting, such as boxing, is also permissible (Paul used boxing as an analogy for the christian struggle – 1 Cor 9:26-27).  As in many things, the term ‘fighting’ can be right or wrong – it all depends on the context.