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“Doctorate In Delusion”

I am a student at a university.  Why does it seem that God is "far away" from places such as universities?  I know it sounds dreadful, but seeing what young people do these days, one cannot but wonder where everything is going.  Please help.  Kind regards.

A Student

Dear A Student,

God is far away from universities because God isn’t wanted at most universities.  The average college teaches evolution, political correctness, and religious diversity.  There is no room for the one and only Jesus (Jhn 14:6) in an atmosphere that proclaims “live and let live”.

Colleges routinely promote promiscuity under the guise of “safe sex”.  Substance abuse is accepted and oftentimes promoted.  In short, everything anti-christian finds a home in these collegiate environments.  Modern campuses are simply reenacting the story of Rom 1:18-32.