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“Weed Whacker”
Categories: GRAB BAG, RELATIONSHIPS, SELFIs smoking weed a sin; if not, why? If so, why? Where does it say either case in the Bible?Sincerely,
The Burning Dandelion
Dear The Burning Dandelion,
Plants (and drugs made from plants) are wonderful things if used as God intended – medicinally. Anything that removes the clarity of someone’s mind or makes them drunk is sinful if used recreationally (1 Cor 5:11). Christians are to be sober-minded, so that we can properly learn, grow, and serve the Lord (1 Thess 5:6). The devil loves an addled brain, and the moment we stop thinking clearly, he is ready to pounce (1 Pet 5:8). Furthermore, the body is a temple and should be treated as God intended – not destroyed with drugs (1 Cor 6:19). Drugs destroy your body and mind. You were bought with a price; glorify God in your body (1 Cor 6:20).