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“A Baptized Condition”

Categories: SALVATION
Why does the Bible say in numerous passages to repent and be baptized to be washed of sins... but PEOPLE say just believe, and everything is all right?

Where’s The Water?

Dear Where’s The Water,

Because people are wrong and haven’t been taught the whole Bible.  Belief is a necessary part of the salvation process, but it isn’t the only part.  Even the demons believe in God (Jas 2:19).  God clearly says that baptism is the final step to being saved.  After believing in God (Jhn 20:31), confessing Jesus as Savior (Matt 10:32-33), and repenting of your sins (Lk 15:7), you need to be baptized to be saved (1 Pet 3:21).  Baptism is what removes your sins and gives you the gift of salvation (Acts 2:38).  We are added to the church when we are baptized (Acts 2:41), and our sins are buried when we are baptized (Rom 6:4-5).  Many churches don’t preach the necessity of baptism because baptism is a “work” or condition upon salvation.  The truth is that God does put conditions upon salvation, and that is why only those who turn and obey Him will be saved (Heb 5:9).