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“Abuse Of Power”

Categories: RELIGIONS
Hello.  Would you define spiritual abuse and why it is wrong… or does it really exist?

On The Defense

Dear On The Defense,

‘Spiritual abuse’ is a modern phrase that was coined to describe the abuse that people receive at the hands of religious leaders.  Though this phrase isn’t in the Bible, the concept is.  Peter said that false teachers destroy souls and malign the way of truth (2 Pet 2:1-2).  Jesus condemned many of the religious leaders of His day for “laying burden’s too heavy to bear” on people’s shoulders (Matt 23:4), shutting the kingdom of heaven against men (Matt 23:13), devouring widows’ houses (Matt 23:14), and making their followers worse than themselves (Matt 23:15).  False teachers coerce and deceive people to follow lies.  When religious leaders stop presenting the truth of the Bible and begin to use their leadership for their own gain – that is definitely an abuse of power.