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“Evil By Numbers”

This may seem like a strange question.  I am pretty familiar with the book of Revelation and the mark of the beast predictions.  My cell phone number happens to end with the numbers 6666.  In short, do you think I should get the number changed?

Count Concerns

Dear Count Concerns,

The book of Revelation does use the number six to refer to things that are wicked (Rev 13:18), but the number six is not inherently evil.  Revelation is a book that uses symbolic language to explain events that were to soon affect the church (Rev 1:1).  Revelation doesn’t deal with the end of the world; it deals with persecution that the church faced at the hands of Rome.  As John wrote, the events in Revelation were “at hand” (Rev 1:3).  The number 666 is symbolic and not something that you have to literally avoid.  All the end-time predictions that use the book of Revelation to decode future events are wrong.  Revelation simply isn’t about that topic.  If you would like a more in-depth look at the book of Revelation, we have an entire series of classes on that book that can be downloaded here.