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“Eternal Joy”

Categories: HEAVEN & HELL
I always get confused when I think about heaven.  We’re there forever, right?  Well, forever is a really long time.  Wouldn't you get bored after awhile?  I mean, forever is such a long, long, long time.  Do you stay up there for a while, then come back to Earth, then go up again?  I'm so confused. :(

Afraid Of Boredom

Dear Afraid Of Boredom,

It is hard for us to fathom how we could enjoy anything for eternity, but we must remember that heaven is designed by God, not man.  Another thing to consider is that heaven isn’t just about what you are doing but who you are with.  When we envision heaven as an amusement park with lots of fun things to do, it is easy to see how we would eventually get tired of the attractions.  However, one of the most important aspects of heaven is who will be there.  God’s presence will light heaven (Rev 21:23), the angels will be there (Lk 16:22), and all of the faithful will be reunited.  When you are with those you love, everything is enjoyable, and there is no end to the joy that can be had.  We get bored with stuff, but good people are a constant blessing.