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“When In Rome...”

What's “be all things to all men to save some” mean?

Quote Questioner

Dear Quote Questioner,

The verses you are referring to are 1 Cor 9:19-22.  Paul is explaining that when he preaches the gospel, he does whatever it takes (except sin – 1 Cor 9:21) to reach out to people, so they may be saved.  Paul molded his personality and behavior to match the cultures and traditions of the people he was preaching to.  If someone needed empathy, he provided it.  If someone was a debater, Paul was blunt and persuasive.  He listened when he needed to and spoke when appropriate.  He talked differently to Jews than Gentiles because their habits and attitudes were different.  Paul used wisdom in his preaching because saving souls is important enough that it is worth doing whatever it takes to get the message across (1 Cor 9:23).