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Ask Your Preacher - Archives

“Reporting For Duty”

I will be going to Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training in the military. I will also have the possibility of being deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan after that.  How will I be able to worship God when I won't be allowed to go to church?  They will let me go to a church in basic, but I am guessing it will be a water-downed version of what God intended the church to be. What do I do?


Sworn In

Dear Sworn In,

You do what you can.  Your situation is difficult but not unique.  There have been many soldiers that have served Christ and country.  Cornelius the centurion was the first Gentile convert (Acts 10:1), soldiers asked John the Baptist how to be faithful (Lk 3:14), and another centurion humbly sought Christ's help (Matt 8:9).  So take courage, you are not alone in your dilemma.

I consider your situation to be a 2 Cor 8:11 case.  You are accountable for what you are able to do.  If you are out in the middle of the deserts of Iraq, you are physically unable to make it to worship services.  Therefore, you are not condemned for that which you cannot do.  An analogous situation would be a mute Christian; he is commanded to confess Christ with his lips (Rom 10:9), but nobody expects a mute man to do this because he physically unable.  If you are able to make it to services - DO IT.  If you can't attend, do what you can - pray (1 Thess 5:17) and study (2 Tim 2:15) on your own.  Consider asking some christians that are veterans of the military for tips and advice on what they did to make it through.  Whatever you do, make sure you have a support system in place for the days and years ahead.  As much as possible, surround yourself with others that you can depend on spiritually.