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“The Worst Of The Worst”

Categories: GRAB BAG
What if the devil repented; would God forgive him?


Devil’s Advocate

Dear Devil’s Advocate,

God never gives any indication that the devil or his angels have the option of repentance.  The Bible seems to imply that the devil either doesn’t have the desire or the ability to repent.  The devil is the father of lies (Jn 8:44).  If humans can have their consciences seared by evil (1 Tim 4:2), certainly the devil – who fathered evil – is fully seared.  The devil and his angels are reserved for judgment (2 Pet 2:4).  They are to be cast into the eternal fire at the end of time (Matt 25:41).  The devil sinned from the beginning and is condemned (1 Jn 3:8).  He does not have any hope.  Jesus died for our sins, not his (Jhn 3:16).