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“Those Beastly Things”

I have a quick question about the mark of the beast; I like to read others’ questions on this website ‘cause it helps me learn more about the Bible.  Often I have some of the same questions myself, so it helps a lot.  My question is about the "RFID CHIPS".  I’ve been looking at videos about them, and it seems that people will be putting computer chips into their hands to "buy stuff" and, of course, many other things.  It seems that the world is going to be pushing people to get these things one day, and maybe it would even be required.  This scares me because this sounds like the mark of the beast to me.  I admit I could be wrong, but I wanted to know what you thought about these so-called "chips".  I don’t know if this is the mark or not, but I do not want to risk it.  What do you think?  Thanks for your time.

I Don’t Want Stuff In Me

Dear I Don’t Want Stuff In Me,

Nope, RFID chips implanted under the skin (although ridiculously creepy) are not the mark of the beast.  The topic of the book of Revelation was the battle between Rome and the church.  It has nothing to do with modern society or modern technology.  When John wrote the book, God told him the vision was "shortly to come to pass" and "at hand" (Rev 1:1-3).  That vision was dealing with a specific problem that the first-century christians were about to face - physical persecution at the hands of Rome.  Although the book of Revelation provides great encouragement to christians today through its message of hope through trials, it is not specifically applying to us.  The mark of the beast was most likely the practice of burning incense to Caesar as a god.  In Roman society, anyone who wouldn't burn incense to Caesar as a god was persecuted and often killed.  The only people unwilling to do that were christians.