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“Dead Or Alive”

Hi, preacher.  I have a question: I'm thinking about joining the army to help people in Iraq, and I know that the Bible says to love thy neighbor and not kill, but if I'm doing it for the greater good, would it be a sin if I were to be killed?

In The Crosshairs

Dear In The Crosshairs,

There is nothing wrong with being a soldier.  The Bible is full of soldiers that were also very faithful people.  King David battled Goliath (1 Sam 17:48-50).  The first Gentile convert to Christianity was a Roman soldier (Acts 10:22).  Being a soldier and killing someone in battle is not the same as murdering someone in cold blood.  People don’t go to hell for being soldiers, but they do go to hell for being murderers (Rev 21:8).  If you died on the battlefield (hopefully that won’t happen), that would not destine you to eternity away from God.

We do recommend that you gravely consider the state of your soul and relationship with God before enlisting.  Being a soldier is a hazardous job, and it accentuates the need to be prepared to meet your Maker.  Please read “What I Must Do To Be Saved?” for more information on what God says we must do to receive salvation.