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“Feeding The Ducks?”

What does the writer mean in Ecclesiastes 11:1, "Cast your bread on the surface of the waters, for you will find it after many days."?

Gone Fishin’

Dear Gone Fishin’,

Eccl 11:1-2 is dealing with charity and benevolent behavior.  Give generously to all, and your good deeds will come back to you.  This is very similar to the New Testament statement that “we reap what we sow” (Gal 6:7-8).  Pr 14:31 says that we honor God when we care for the needy, and Pr 19:17 says that God repays those who care for the impoverished.  Give your bread bountifully to the poor, and you will be blessed (Pr 22:9).  Cast your bread upon the waters – it may seem like you are throwing your money away – but it will be the right decision.