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“Peaceful Protest”

Are the people who protest against abortion and homosexuality wrong in the way that they go about protesting?  I understand that these things are sinful in God's eyes, but aren't people wrong by making them feel attacked?

End Doesn’t Justify The Means

Dear End Doesn’t Justify The Means,

It would be wrong to physically attack someone while protesting (two wrongs don’t make a right – Rom 12:17), but it should also be noted that very few abortion and homosexuality protestors are violent.  Abortion is murder (Rom 1:29-32), and homosexuality is a sin (Rom 1:26-27); christians should oppose these with every fiber of their beings.  Violent protestors receive a lot of coverage in the mainstream media, but what isn’t covered are the thousands of peaceful and honorable protestors who are simply trying to stand up for the innocent lives of the unborn and the sanctity of marriage.  Unborn children have souls and are distinct people (Lk 1:44) and marriage is the bedrock of all healthy civilization (all the way back to Adam and Eve – Gen 2:24).  Yes, violent protesting is wrong, but be sure not to paint all protestors with the same mass-media tainted brush.