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“The Earth Age”

Hi.  I have a few questions that need answering.  Thank you in advance for your answers.
  1. Are the souls of the fallen angels on this earth age?  I have heard that all souls that were in the first age, came to the second, but a verse from the Bible reads: Jude 6 "And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, He hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day." ...from what I understand of the passage, the fallen angels do not enter the second earth age.
  2. If the souls of the fallen angels are in this earth age with us, can they be saved, or is it too late?
  3. Can people who are "Satan’s children" in this earth age, be saved?
  4. Is everyone who is on earth now someone who was indecisive in the first age, or did some of us follow God then as well?  I thought we already decided to follow God, and that is why we are in this earth age.

Time Trials

Dear Time Trials,

All of these questions can be answered by clearing up a misunderstanding about the ages of the earth.  Some people teach that there have been multiple earth ages: the first earth age was a time that existed millions of years before Adam and Eve, the second earth age is when we are currently living, and the third earth age has yet to come to pass.  The Bible doesn’t teach this.

Genesis 1 teaches that God created the whole world in six days, and it was immediately inhabited by Adam and Eve who became the father and mother of all mankind (Gen 3:20).  The Bible never speaks of a world existing before the earth we know today.  At one point, God flooded the earth, but that didn’t destroy all of mankind because Noah’s family survived (1 Pet 3:20).  One day, this earth will be destroyed by fire and replaced with a new, spiritual heaven and earth (2 Pet 3:10-13).

The fallen angels spoken of in Jude 6 are doomed for destruction in that day of fire, and all mankind has an opportunity to repent and come to Christ before that great Day of Judgment (2 Cor 6:2).