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“A Prophetic Fish”

Why were the people of Nineveh so willing to turn and repent after Jonah prophesied that their city would be destroyed?  How did he prove to them that he was a prophet of God?  Do you think God chose Jonah to complete this assignment, knowing he would try and run, and in the process, also cause the sailors who threw him overboard to believe in God?


Dear Waterlogged,

As far as we know, there was only one sign associated with Jonah – the miracle of his survival in the belly of the fish (Matt 12:39-40).  Jonah’s survival made him a living, breathing sign of the power and might of God (Lk 11:30).  When the Ninevites saw Jonah walking around alive and well in their city, they quickly listened and obeyed his preaching (Jonah 3:4-5).  It is impossible to speculate on exactly why God chose Jonah and when God chose to use the fish as His prophetic sign to the people of Nineveh… but suffice it to say, God can cause all things to work together for good (Rom 8:28).  Jonah’s flight from Nineveh can be compared to Joseph’s enslavement – man meant it for evil, but God used it for good (Gen 50:20).