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“1 + 1 + 1 = 1”

In the Bible in Genesis 1:26, the words “us” and “our” are used.  Besides God, who is "us" and "our?"  Angels?  Other gods?  Immortal beings?  The Trinity?

Guess Who?

Dear Guess Who,

In Gen 1:26, the word ‘us’ refers to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  In fact, throughout that chapter, every time you see the word ‘God’, it is in the plural if you read it in the original Hebrew.  The reason for this is because all three members of the Godhead were there at the Creation.  John 1:1 states that Jesus was there at the creation of the universe.  Gen 1:2 points out that the Holy Spirit was there, and Mal 2:10 makes it clear that the Father was also there.  When the Godhead decided to make man in “our image” (Gen 1:26)… all three of them were in agreement.