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“No Photography, Please”

My question has to do with being a photographer.  If I work for a company that sends me out on assignment to photodocument an event such as a swimsuit competition, would that be wrong?  And if it is, what about going to the beach?  Should we not do that either?  Thank you.

Confused Photographer

Dear Confused Photographer,

We live in a fallen world where sin is constantly around us, but that doesn’t mean we should be active participants in it (Eph 5:11).  You are absolutely correct that you will find a lot of sinful behavior and immodest dress at the beach, but existing in the same place as that behavior is a lot different than documenting it for publication in a positive light.  Newspaper photographers are put in a billion different situations that bring up moral questions.  The key is to ask yourself, “Am I in a position where I am participating in or furthering immoral behavior?” (2 Cor 6:14)  Considering the purpose and goal of swimsuit competitions... your answer would probably be, “Yes, I am furthering immoral behavior” in this circumstance.