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“Digital Gossip”


Is gossiping good or bad (like, if on a blog, it says stuff about people that they said… true facts)?

Facebook Friend

Dear Facebook Friend,

Gossip is always wrong, but we must clearly define what the word ‘gossip’ means and what the Bible says about it.  The word ‘gossip’ in the Bible means a ‘whisperer’ or a ‘secret slanderer’.  Rom 1:28-29 says that being a gossip is a sin worthy of death.  2 Cor 12:20 points out that gossip is divisive and destructive.  A gossip is someone that is involved in other people’s business – a busybody (1 Tim 5:13).  Whether on a blog, between two neighbors, or amongst the closest confidantes, when we talk about others in a disparaging way (even if it is true) for no purpose other than to flatter ourselves as being “in the know” or to receive attention – it is a sin (Pr 11:13).  A gossip wounds others with their words and doesn’t give them a chance to defend themselves (Pr 18:8).  Gossip always hurts someone, and the only way to stop the pain is to avoid gossip and avoid those who practice gossip (Pr 26:20).