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“Destructive Force Pt. 2”


(This is a follow-up to “Destructive Force”)

Thanks for the answer about Exodus 12:23.  On this same Scripture, suppose that for whatever reason an Israelite doesn't or forgets to smear the blood of the lamb on the top and sides of their doorways.  Because of this, even though he or she is an Israelite, will he or she still suffer the plague sent by Jehovah?

Friend Or Foe?

Dear Friend Or Foe,

Yes, if an Israelite didn’t obey God’s command to put the blood of the lamb on the doorposts and lintel, they would have lost their firstborn son to the plague.  This is a great example of what faith really is.  As James says, faith without works is dead (Jas 2:17).  If an Israelite believed that the plague was coming, but didn’t work (i.e. place the blood around the door) to prepare for the plague, that belief wouldn’t save them.  Working faith is biblical faith.  It isn’t enough to just believe in God (even the demons believe – Jas 2:19).  We must act upon that belief in order to be saved.  God’s salvation is a gift that can’t be earned, but it is also a gift that we must respond to.  We are called to hear and do what the Word says (Jas 1:22).