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“Nothing To LOL At”
Categories: GOD, RELATIONSHIPSIs saying, “OMG” (oh, my God!) using God’s name in vain?Sincerely,
Dear TTYL,
Yes, emphatically, yes it is. We are so thankful you have asked this question because it is such a problem in today’s culture. Acronyms and shorthand used in texting (such as l8r, btw, ttyl, etc.) have become a part of the pop culture and our everyday speech. When you shorten something, it still retains the same meaning. For example, ‘ty’ still means ‘thank you’ and is accepted as a phrase of gratitude. Therefore, when people type or say ‘omg’, it still means that they are treating God’s name in an irreverent and blasphemous way. It is a sad fact that many christians treat phrases like ‘omg’ as a sort of “loophole” around using the Lord’s name in vain… but it is still blasphemy. God isn’t fooled by shorthand (Gal 6:7).