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“Idol Hiding”

Categories: Biblebites

“You who abhor idols, do you rob temples?” (Romans 2:22b)

During the trials of Jesus, there was a particular type of injustice that was seen. The Jewish people professed to hate the Romans and their idolatrous ways but then turned to them when they needed their help to crucify Jesus. They also gave Judas thirty pieces of silver to betray Jesus, but then they refused to accept the money back because it was blood money. Their religious convictions were pliable when presented with an opportunity for advantage.

The above verse in Romans addresses this tendency in all of us. We say we hate sin until it would force us to make a change to our entertainment choices. We profess moral convictions unless our job requires us to do something immoral, and then we hide behind “company policy”. We cry from the housetops against sin, but then we enter those same houses and secretly practice the very things we have just denounced.

Make sure your faith is consistent. Don’t cry against the idols while hiding them in your closet.
