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The Audacity Of Hope
Friday, December 13, 2019In what are we supposed to put our hopes in society?Sincerely,
Eager To Invest
Dear Eager To Invest,
We are told that the hope of heaven and the promise of God’s Word is the anchor for a Christian’s soul (Heb 6:17-19). Christianity is built upon the faith found in God’s Word (Rom 10:17). If we seek to find happiness through the passing pleasures of sin, or if we place our trust in mankind, we will be disappointed (Heb 11:25). God tells us to live down here with our hearts and minds fixed upward toward our heavenly home (Col 3:2).
Black Market
Friday, December 06, 2019Is it a sin to purchase an item that has been stolen that I need to fix my truck? I’m a truck driver, and I need this item to continue working.Sincerely,
Savvy Shopper?
Dear Savvy Shopper,
It is illegal to purchase stolen goods, and God tells us to obey the laws of the land (Rom 12:1). If you knowingly purchase stolen goods, you are aiding and abetting a thief, and God tells us not to tie our lives together with the wicked (2 Cor 6:14). As much as you need this item, that isn’t the way to get it.
Rescue Me
Tuesday, December 03, 2019How do you save someone from themselves?Sincerely,
Dear Lifeguard,
You can’t. All you can ever do is provide people with answers, but it is up to them if they want to do anything about it. As the old adage goes, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.” Jesus even warns that we shouldn’t waste time trying to change people who don’t want to change. He compared helping that type of person to throwing valuable pearls into a pig pen… the pig won’t value the pearls; he’ll just destroy them (Matt 7:6).
If Jesus, the perfect master teacher, couldn’t save everyone, we need to accept that we can’t either. Anyone can change, but they have to want it for themselves.
Not Christmas
Friday, November 22, 2019When is Jesus’ birthday?Sincerely,
Dear HB2U,
No one knows when Jesus was born, but it was most likely in the spring or summer because the shepherds were out – Lk 2:15. Historians have traced the date of His death to around 33 AD and His birth to somewhere in the vicinity of 4 BC… give or take a couple of years. We are just never given the specific date of His birth in the Bible, and we can’t pinpoint it using secular history either.
Medical Wisdom
Wednesday, November 13, 2019A close friend of mine is a devout Christian. She has Type 1 diabetes, but beyond taking insulin to stay alive, she ignores the health care system totally. She has medical insurance; I think she’s trusting her health to God almost 100%. Does the Word of God sanctify this? I know faith in God is important, but I am concerned…Sincerely,
Troubled Friend
Dear Troubled Friend,
If your question is whether or not a Christian is allowed to use doctors and medicine, the answer is ‘yes’. Paul told Timothy to take wine medicinally for a sick stomach (1 Tim 5:23), and Jas 5:14 describes the elders praying and using oil, a common general ointment, when someone is sick. God told mankind to take dominion of this world and use it for our good – this includes the creation and use of medicine (Gen 1:26). Using medicine is not in opposition to having faith in God. As for how much and when each individual should use medicine, that is up to each person’s discretion and wisdom.