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There Can Be Only One

Wednesday, August 17, 2016
I have pondered about the idea of a messiah.  It seemed to me that all cultures and religions have a savior.  It seems to me quite possible that God sent His son, or Himself, or the third iteration of Himself (however one interprets the messiah) to all different peoples to lead them around the same time, essentially.  And presently, Satan exploits this to make humans fight each other because we all worship the same god.  So any theism works… that is what I'm trying to say and what I think.

Is Jesus Christ special, or was Isus the Egyptian messiah, or Allah, or Krishnu, or Jehovah just as good?

Open Minded

Dear Open Minded,

Jesus is special, and He left no room for other gods.  Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me” (Jhn 14:6).  Jesus was either the one and only Messiah – or He was a crazy lunatic.  Jesus teaches that we can only have one Master (Matt 23:10) and that serving anyone else is a sin.  Jesus taught that we either confess Him as the Christ, or we will be denied before God (Lk 12:8-9).  Jesus cannot coexist with other gods.  The Bible is clear – there can be only one (Eph 4:4-6).  Isus, Allah, Krishnu, etc. are all false gods.

The Rise Of Islam

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
As a christian living in America, shouldn't we be concerned about the increasing number of Muslims in our country?  I read somewhere that in twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the US to elect a Muslim president.  Makes me worry that the period of suffering might be right around the corner.  Do you have any thoughts on this?

Counting The Days

Dear Counting The Days,

One of the most enticing and alluring propositions in the world of religion is to try and pin specific dates to unfulfilled prophecies.  Yet, in the end, that allure always ends up as a wild goose chase.  As we said in the previous post, we cannot be dogmatic on the exact meaning of “the little time” of Rev 20:3.  If we can’t be dogmatic on that, then we certainly cannot be dogmatic on when such a time period would begin.  All we know is that the Lord does not abandon His people (Ps 37:25).  The Lord commands that we not be anxious or worry because He will always provide for those who seek first His kingdom, the church (Matt 6:31-33).  Where the Bible speaks, we will speak, and where the Bible is silent, we will be silent… and in this, the Bible is silent.  We’ll leave the prophesying up to the Lord; each day has enough trouble of its own (Matt. 6:34).

Proof's In The Pudding

Friday, October 03, 2014
     How would one disprove the Muslim faith?


Dear Burqa-Free,

The Muslim faith is built upon the Q'uran, just like the Christian faith is built upon the Bible.  You can prove that the Bible is a supernaturally-written book inspired by God because it is full of things that only God could write – read "Who Wrote The Bible?" for a detailed list of things that make the Bible unique.

If the Q'uran was really a prophetic book, it would have to pass the same test.  We would start any discussion with a Muslim about their faith by having them show the evidence for the Q'uran's divine inspiration.  Believe us when we say that they will find it impossible to do.

Skip The Mosque

Sunday, August 31, 2014
     Are those of the Muslim faith going heaven, too?

Not Mohammed

Dear Not Mohammed,

Muslims can go to heaven if they renounce their Islamic beliefs and convert to Christianity.  Jesus is the only way to God.  Jesus proclaimed, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me.” (Jhn 14:6)  Rom 1:16-17 says that the gospel is the tool God uses to bring us salvation.  Muslims follow the Q’uran, not the Bible, and they trust in Mohammed, not Jesus.  Islam is in direct contradiction to the Bible.

Making A Mountain Out Of Mohammad

Monday, September 09, 2013
Is Mohammad a biblical character that was distorted and deified by man, or was he created by Islam?  Is there any record of a prophet in the Bible named Mohammad?

Prophet Perusing

Dear Prophet Perusing,

Mohammad is a purely Islamic figure.  The Bible never mentions a prophet named Mohammad, and the Moslem religion is entirely without Biblical endorsement.  Jesus says that He is the only way to God (Jhn 14:6).  Mohammad taught that he knew a different way… they can’t both be right.  Mohammad was just another false teacher (Matt 24:11).

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