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Is He Mad At Me?
Tuesday, September 15, 2020I'm interested in understanding where you find in the Bible that you can lose your salvation. And how do you re-obtain it, or in what way do you know God isn't "upset" with you anymore, so you can regain your salvation?Sincerely,
Verse Please
Dear Verse Please,
The Bible clearly says that you can lose your salvation. Heb 3:12 says that we must be wary and protect our hearts because an evil, unbelieving heart can fall away. 2 Pet 3:17 says that we can lose our salvation if we get caught up in false teaching (1 Tim 4:1 also states this). If we return to a life of ungodliness, then we crucify Christ again (Heb 6:4-6).
We are warned to not “drift” away from the Lord (Heb 2:1) or “backslide” (Pr 1:32) into old sinful ways. Once we are baptized, we are told to grow in the Lord and mature in our faith (1 Pet 2:2). Baptism is the beginning of a new life, but God calls us to be faithful until death (Rev 2:10). A Christian can know that they are not lukewarm by properly examining their motives and lifestyle (1 Cor 11:28-30). God constantly forgives faithful and honest people for their sins (1 Jn 1:9), but if we neglect our salvation (Heb 2:3) or stop growing, we have no hope left (Heb 10:26-27). God is "upset" when we stop trying to grow and stop trying to be faithful... that is when our salvation is in jeopardy.
The Road Less Traveled By
Monday, September 14, 2020Why do I feel like I am being led down a good path, but yet, I still feel like I am being tested as I go forward?Sincerely,
Treading Carefully
Dear Treading Carefully,
Trials are a part of life, and when you do the right thing, you are bound to have them. The Bible says that God never tempts us to do evil (Jas 1:13). God never purposefully puts us in a situation with a desire for us to sin. The devil wants to devour you with sin, but God never does (1 Pet 5:8). However, God does put us in situations in order to find out what we are made of. God tested Abraham when He asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac (Gen 22:1). God put Abraham in a position where he could succeed or fail – but the key is that God wanted him to succeed (Gen 22:14-18). Abraham was tried by God (Heb 11:17), so God could bless him. God may put us in circumstances that are difficult, but His desire is always to benefit us.
Checking For Rings
Friday, September 11, 2020Can a preacher who has divorced his wife still preach?Sincerely,
Dear Flummoxed,
It would depend on a lot of factors. A preacher isn’t expected to be perfect, but at the same time, he should attempt to live a life that models Christian virtue (1 Tim 4:12). It would depend on why he was divorced, what type of life he is living currently, and how he is viewed by the brethren. In short, it is a case-by-case issue, but a divorce in a preacher’s past certainly would be something that should give us pause.
Modern Music
Thursday, September 10, 2020I have a question: is it wrong for churches to sing Christian songs like ‘Hosanna’ (i.e. Christian rock)? Some churches are singing these types of songs, but some people say it’s wrong.Sincerely,
Rock On
Dear Rock On,
The Scriptures give a few qualifications for the songs that we sing. First of all, they must always be reverent (Heb 12:28). Songs that treat God flippantly or treat worship more as entertainment than reverence to God are wrong. Many churches are more interested in fascinating the people with trendy music than they are with bringing gravity to the minds of young souls that need to be reminded that their Maker is to be treated with fear and awe (Pr 1:7).
Secondly, the songs must be psalms, hymns, or spiritual songs (Col 3:16). The songs must have Bible-based language and doctrinally sound lyrics. They must agree with the teachings of the Bible, and they must be focused on spiritual things. Once again, worship is about God, not us.
Thirdly, they should be songs that are sung from our hearts and by all the members (Eph 5:19). The Bible never authorizes rock bands, choirs, pianos, etc. Instrumental music in worship is an invention that has no biblical foundation to it. The New Testament example is everyone singing from the heart – no more, no less (Rev 22:18-19). If you would like to read more on the subject of instrumental music in worship, we suggest you read “A Cappella”.
Dinner Reservations
Wednesday, September 09, 2020I have been invited to go out with a female friend who is involved in a gay relationship with another lady; should I avoid these social interactions, or should I go out with them?Sincerely,
Keeping Company
Dear Keeping Company,
Jesus used to eat with those who were living immoral lives, and the Pharisees condemned Him for it, but Jesus simply said, “They that are whole have no need of a physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mk 2:16-17) Jesus spent His life trying to save sinners from hell… and the only way to do that is to spend time with them.
Going to dinner with an unbeliever, whatever their sins, isn’t wrong. If you are living as a good example to them, and standing firm in your own morals, then you can make a difference. The only time you should be worried is when you find they are changing you more than you are changing them (1 Cor 15:33). Otherwise, let your light shine (Matt 5:16).