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Thar' Be Dragons
Thursday, March 17, 2016Is the Leviathan in the book of Job a dragon?Sincerely,
Dragons Are Cool!
Dear Dragons Are Cool,
We don’t know exactly what animal the Leviathan was, but we do know that it doesn’t match the description of any currently living animal. The Leviathan is described as being very large (Job 41:12), tough-skinned (Job 41:15-17), wild and undomesticated (Job 41:1-5), and potentially sea-dwelling (Job 41:31-32).
Some think that the Leviathan may be the answer to all the many dragon stories that are found across countless cultures. In Job 41:18-21, God describes the Leviathan as flashing light when it sneezes, smoking from its nostrils, starting fires with its breath, and shooting flames from its mouth. Such descriptions do indeed sound quite a lot like the description of a dragon. It may very well be that the Leviathan is one of the dragons illustrated in countless ancient drawings.
Day 56 - Proverbs 30
Wednesday, March 16, 20165 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom
Job's Lament
Wednesday, March 16, 2016Explain Job 3:14-16, please.Sincerely,
Job Placement
Dear Job Placement,
Job chapter three is Job’s lament over his own existence. Job starts the chapter off by expressing how he wishes he was never born (Job 3:1-3). The entire chapter continues with this theme. Job has been so completely decimated in his life that he wishes he had never lived at all. He has lost his family, his wealth, and his health. Job 3:14-16 is best understood if you go all the way back to Job 3:11. Job is lamenting the fact that he did not die right after his birth. In Job 3:14-15, he points that if he were dead, instead of suffering, he would be resting with the kings, princes, and rulers of old whose castles now lie in ruins. In Job 3:16, he simply re-emphasizes that he wishes he had died as an infant instead of living to see the suffering that had occurred in his adult life.
Under The Spotlight
Tuesday, March 15, 2016Is there a verse in the Bible that says that when sin is exposed to the light, it will die?Sincerely,
Light Of My Life
Dear Light Of My Life,
The verse you are most likely thinking of is Jhn 3:20. Jesus is talking about the relationship between evil (darkness) and the truth (light). When we do evil, we do not wish to have it exposed by the truth – the truth is the enemy of evil deeds. It is our bad behavior that often keeps us from accepting God’s Word; we fear having our poor choices exposed (Jhn 3:19). However, when we deeply desire to live godly lives and become the people we ought to be, we seek out the truth… even if the answers are painful (Jhn 3:21).