Gospel Meetings

Gospel Meetings

Displaying 26 - 50 of 85

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
04/10/16 Know the Truth: Learn from Christ (Jhn 8:31-32) - Lesson 4 Jack Hafer Looking Like Jesus Gospel Meeting 2016-04-10-GPM-LookingLikeJesus-4of6-KnowTheTruth-JackHafer.pdf 2016-04-10-GPM-LookingLikeJesus-4of6-KnowTheTruth-JackHafer.mp3
04/09/16 Why Wait? Staying Sexually Pure until Marriage (special lesson for the unmarried) - Lesson 3 Jack Hafer Looking Like Jesus Gospel Meeting 2016-04-09-GPM-LookingLikeJesus-3of6-WhyWait-JackHafer.pdf 2016-04-09-GPM-LookingLikeJesus-3of6-WhyWait-JackHafer.mp3
04/09/16 Not My Will: Listen Like Christ (Jhn 5:30) - Lesson 2 Jack Hafer Looking Like Jesus Gospel Meeting 2016-04-09-GPM-2of6-LookingLikeJesus-NotMyWill-JackHafer.pdf 2016-04-09-GPM-2of6-LookingLikeJesus-NotMyWill-JackHafer.mp3
04/08/16 Set Your Face: Led By Christ (Lk 9:51-56) - Lesson 1 Jack Hafer Looking Like Jesus Gospel Meeting 2016-04-08-GPM-1of6-LookingLikeJesus-SetYourFace-JackHafer.pdf 2016-04-08-GPM-1of6-LookingLikeJesus-SetYourFace-JackHafer.mp3
01/05/05 Nehemiah 8 (5 of 5) Ed Harrell Restoration History Gospel Meeting EH_05_Nehemiah_8.mp3
01/04/05 What the Church Is (4 of 5) Ed Harrell Restoration History Gospel Meeting EH_04_What_The_Church_Is.mp3
01/03/05 The 1900's (3 of 5) Ed Harrell Restoration History Gospel Meeting EH_03_The_1900s.mp3
01/02/05 The 1800's (2 of 5) Ed Harrell Restoration History Gospel Meeting EH_02_The_1800s.mp3
01/01/05 The Restoration Idea (1 of 5) Ed Harrell Restoration History Gospel Meeting EH_01_Restoration_Idea.mp3
02/02/89 Orthodox Jew Response (32 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Orthodox_Jew_Response31.mp3
02/01/89 Orthodox Jew Defense (31 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Orthodox_Jew_Defense32.mp3
01/30/89 Catholic Response (30 of 32) Lowell Williams Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Catholic_Response29.mp3
01/29/89 Catholic Defense (29 of 32) Lowell Williams Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Catholic_Defense30.mp3
01/28/89 Lutheran Response (28 of 32) Lowell Williams Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Lutheran_Response27.mp3
01/27/89 Lutheran Defense (27 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Lutheran_Defense28.mp3
01/26/89 Moderate Lutheran Response (26 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Moderate_Lutheran_Response25.mp3
01/25/89 Moderate Lutheran Defense (25 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Moderate_Lutheran_Defense26.mp3
01/24/89 Baptist Response (24 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Baptist_Response23.mp3
01/23/89 Baptist Defense (23 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Baptist_Defense24.mp3
01/22/89 Conservative Baptist Response (22 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Conservative_Baptist_Response21.mp3
01/21/89 Conservative Baptist Defense (21 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Conservative_Baptist_Defense22.mp3
01/20/89 Mormonism Response (20 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Mormonism_Response19.mp3
01/19/89 Mormonism Defense (19 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Mormonism_Defense20.mp3
01/18/89 Seventh Day Adventism Response (18 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Seventh_Day_Adventism_Response17.mp3
01/17/89 Seventh Day Adventism Defense (17 of 32) Misc. Comparative Religion (1989) Gospel Meeting Seventh_Day_Adventism_Defense18.mp3

Displaying 26 - 50 of 85

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