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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/08/15 The Power of Choice Jason Keehn Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2015-03-08-SPM-ThePowerOfChoice-JasonKeehn.mp3
03/04/15 Acts of The Apostles - 25:13-26:32 (26 of 30) Scott Beyer Bible Class Acts of the Apostles (2014-2015) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2015-03-04-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-26of-Ch25v13-Ch26v32-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-03-04-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-26of-Ch25v13-Ch26v32-ScottBeyer.mp3
03/01/15 Friends to Sinners Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2015-03-01-SPM-ChristianSocialSkills-FriendsToSinners-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-03-01-SPM-ChristianSocialSkills-FriendsToSinners-ScottBeyer.mp3
03/01/15 Ephesians 4:4-16 (21 of 30) Lowell Williams Bible Class Ephesians (2014-2015) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2015-03-01-SCL-Ephesians-21of-Ch4v4-16-LowellWilliams.pdf 2015-03-01-SCL-Ephesians-21of-Ch4v4-16-LowellWilliams.mp3
03/01/15 The Working Faith of Abraham Scott Beyer Sermon What Is Faith Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2015-03-01-SAM-WhatIsFaith-TheWorkingFaithOfAbraham-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-03-01-SAM-WhatIsFaith-6of-TheWorkingFaithOfAbraham-ScottBeyer.mp3
02/25/15 Acts of The Apostles - 25:1-12 (25 of 30) Scott Beyer Bible Class Acts of the Apostles (2014-2015) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2015-02-25-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-25of-Ch25v1-v12-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-02-25-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-25of-Ch25v1-v12-ScottBeyer.mp3
02/22/15 Ephesians 4:2-4 (20 of 30) Lowell Williams Bible Class Ephesians (2014-2015) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2015-02-22-SCL-Ephisians-20of-Ch4v2-v4-LowellWilliams.pdf 2015-02-22-SCL-Ephesians-20of-Ch4v2-v4-LowellWilliams.mp3
02/22/15 The Obedience of the Faith Scott Beyer Sermon What Is Faith Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2015-02-22-SAM-HowFaithWorks-5of-TheObedienceOfTheFaith-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-02-22-SAM-WhatIsFaith-5of-TheObedienceOfTheFaith-ScottBeyer.mp3
02/18/15 Acts of The Apostles - Chapter 23 (24 of 30) Scott Beyer Bible Class Acts of the Apostles (2014-2015) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2015-02-18-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-24of-Chapter23v1-v35-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-02-18-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-24of-Chapter23v1-v35-ScottBeyer.mp3
02/15/15 Ephesians 4:1-3 (19 of 30) Lowell Williams Bible Class Ephesians (2014-2015) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2015-02-15-SCL-Ephisians-19of-Ch4v1-v3-LowellWilliams.pdf 2015-02-15-SCL-Ephisians-19of-Ch4v1-v3-LowellWilliams.mp3
02/15/15 Iron Shapens Iron Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2015-02-15-SPM-IronSharpensIron-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-02-15-SPM-IronSharpensIron-ScottBeyer.mp3
02/11/15 Acts of The Apostles - 21:25-22:30 (23 of 30) Scott Beyer Bible Class Acts of the Apostles (2014-2015) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2015-02-11-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-23of-Ch21v25-Ch22v30-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-02-11-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-23of-Ch21v25-Ch22v30-_ScottBeyer.mp3
02/08/15 Ephesians 3:20-21 (18 of 30) Lowell Williams Bible Class Ephesians (2014-2015) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2015-02-08-SCL-Ephisians-18of-Ch3v20-v21-LowellWilliams.pdf 2015-02-08-SCL-Ephisians-18of-Ch3v20-v21-LowellWilliams-1423613294.mp3
02/08/15 Four Aspects of Faith Scott Beyer Sermon What Is Faith Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2015-02-08-SAM-WhatIsFaith-4of-FourAspectsOfFaith-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-02-08-SAM-WhatIsFaith-4of-FourAspectsOfFaith-ScottBeyer.mp3
02/08/15 Eve's Temptation Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2015-02-08-SPM-EvesTemptation-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-02-08-SPM-EvesTemptation-ScottBeyer.mp3
02/04/15 Acts of The Apostles - 21:1-24 (22 of 30) Scott Beyer Bible Class Acts of the Apostles (2014-2015) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2015-02-04-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-22of30-Ch21v1-v24-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-02-04-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-22of-Ch21v1-v24-ScottBeyer.mp3
02/02/15 Does the Bible Teach Predestination? Daniel Reeves Sermon N/A Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2015-02-15-SAM-DoesTheBibleTeachPredestination-DanielReeves.mp4.pdf 2015-02-15-SAM-DoesTheBibleTeachPredestination-DanielReeves.mp3
02/01/15 Ephesians 3:14-19 (17 of 30) Lowell Williams Bible Class Ephesians (2014-2015) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2015-02-01-SCL-Ephesians-17of-Ch3v14-v19-LowellWilliams.pdf 2015-02-01-SCL-Ephesians-17of-Ch3v14-v19-LowellWilliams.mp3
02/01/15 Joshuas' Last Word Scott Beyer Sermon N/A Sunday Evening Class - SPM - 5:00PM 2015-02-01-SPM-JoshuasLastWords-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-02-01-SPM-JoshuasLastWords-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/28/15 Acts of The Apostles - Chapter 20 (21 of 30) Scott Beyer Bible Class Acts of the Apostles (2014-2015) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2015-01-28-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-21of-Ch20v1-v38-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-01-28-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-21of-Ch20v1-v38-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/25/15 The Difference Between Faith and Law Scott Beyer Sermon What Is Faith Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2015-01-25-SAM-WhatIsFaith-2of-TheDifferencesBetweenFaithAndLaw-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-01-25-SAM-WhatIsFaith-3of-TheDifferencesBetweenFaithAndLaw-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/25/15 Ephesians 3:1-6 (16 of 30) Lowell Williams Bible Class Ephesians (2014-2015) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2015-01-25-SCL-Ephesians-16of-Ch3v6-v13-LowellWilliams.mp3 2015-01-25-SAM-WhatIsFaith-3of-TheDifferencesBetweenFaithAndLaw-ScottBeyer.pdf
01/21/15 Acts of The Apostles - Chapter 19 (20 of 30) Scott Beyer Bible Class Acts of the Apostles (2014-2015) Wednesday Evening Class - WCL - 7:00PM 2015-01-21-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-20of-Ch19-ScottBeyer.pdf 2015-01-21-WCL-ActsOfTheApostles-20of-Ch19-ScottBeyer.mp3
01/18/15 Ephesians 3:1-6 (15 of 30) Lowell Williams Bible Class Ephesians (2014-2015) Sunday Class - SCL - 10:00AM 2015-01-18-SCL-Ephesians-15of-Ch3v1-v6-LowellWilliams.pdf 2015-01-18-SCL-Ephesians-15of-Ch3v1-v6-LowellWilliams-1422245386.mp3
01/18/15 The Basics of Faith Scott Beyer Sermon What Is Faith Sunday Morning Class - SAM - 10:45AM 2015-01-18-SAM-WhatIsFaith-1of-TheBasicsOfFaith-ScottBeyer.mp3 2015-01-18-SAM-WhatIsFaith-1of-TheBasicsOfFaith-ScottBeyer.pdf

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