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“Unfit For Duty”
Categories: MARRIAGE, PREACHING/TEACHING, RELATIONSHIPS, RELIGIONS, WORSHIPMy friend’s husband is a pastor who fell in love with his secretary. He divorced his wife of 30+ years with which he had two grown children. The pastor of that church (location omitted – AYP) asked for the secretary’s hand in marriage. They are divorced now; his ex-wife is monetarily depressed and depressed. She tries to help her firstborn (he has an unsteady job and is thirty-seven years old), yet she is becoming homeless. Is there a scripture that shows where her ex-husband shouldn’t be preaching?Sincerely,
Friend Of The Forlorn
Dear Friend Of The Forlorn,
Those whose lives are in direct contradiction to Scripture should not preach. Lk 6:43-45 says that we can know the difference between good and bad preachers by the fruits that their lives bear. It is a horrible reality that the religious world is full of people who preach one thing and then live another. Paul specifically told Timothy (a young preacher) that how he lived was a big part of preaching (1 Tim 4:12). With all of the bad press that the Bible has received because of adulterous preachers, church scandals, etc., God’s Word has been mistreated and abused for unhealthy gain (1 Tim 6:5). Unfortunately, with all the immorality in religion, many people have forgotten that it shouldn’t be this way.