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Origin Interests

Tuesday, April 02, 2019
     Did God create Himself?

Big Bang?

Dear Big Bang,

Asking who created God is kind of like asking, “What color is round?”  The question can’t be answered because ‘round’ isn’t a color.  God isn’t a created being.  The Bible tells us that God was “in the beginning” (Gen 1:1) and that He is “from everlasting to everlasting” (Ps 90:2).  Everything that we see in the physical universe has a beginning and a point of creation.  However, God isn’t a physical being.  God is a spiritual being (Jhn 4:24), and the same rules don’t apply to Him as they do to us.  Apparently, in the spiritual realm, God has always existed and never was created.  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End (Rev 1:8).

In The Heat Of Anger

Friday, March 29, 2019
     God bless you, brethren.  Mark 3:5 says that Jesus "looked at them with anger, being grieved at the hardness of their hearts".  I would like for you to help me understand when it is okay for us to be angry at someone for something.  When is anger not a sin?

Tempering My Anger

Dear Tempering My Anger,

Anger isn’t a sin, but it often leads us into sinful behavior.  The Bible says, “Be angry and do not sin” (Eph 4:26).  Anger is a natural emotion, but we often allow that emotion to control us, and we end up saying or doing things that are sinful.  The example you gave from Mk 3:5 is a good example of the proper use of anger.  Jesus was angry because the Pharisees had such hard hearts that they would have denied an injured man healing just to spite Jesus (Mk 3:1-2).  Jesus was enraged by their attitudes.  So what did Jesus do with that anger?  He healed the man and taught people God’s truth (Mk 3:3-5).  Jesus was angry, but He didn’t say or do anything He would later regret.  We should rule over our spirits when we are angry (Pr 16:32) and be slow to speak when our hearts are hot (Jas 1:19).

Government Funding

Thursday, March 28, 2019
Is it wrong to seek money from the government if you’re disabled and you’re a christian?

Financial Aid

Dear Financial Aid,

Jesus addressed this issue by simply saying, “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and render unto God the things that are God’s” (Mk 12:17).  When it comes to paying taxes, receiving tax aid, etc., the Bible says that there is nothing wrong with a christian paying their dues (or receiving them).

A Mother's Grief

Monday, March 25, 2019
I have two children who are into meth.  I have been praying for them along with other family members.  I don't understand why these prayers are not being answered.  Is there a certain way I need to pray or ask?  I'm new to this, and think I'm not asking in the right way.

I also feel like Satan is starting to attack my family and me for praying. Does this happen?  I have no peace, and I'm afraid to go to sleep because of nightmares... but those could be from all the stress I have in my life.

If you can suggest any books to help me become stronger in my faith and learn to pray, I would greatly appreciate it; I'm too embarrassed to ask. Thank you for your time.

Mom Who's Trying

Dear Mom Who’s Trying,

God desires to answer our prayers, and He says that a righteous christian’s prayers do make a difference (Pr 15:29, Jas 5:16).  However, when we pray about things, it isn’t as simple as we just get what we are asking for because God has multiple principles that He must keep in balance at all times.

If God simply forced people to become better people because you prayed for them, that would remove our freedom of choice.  After all, He tells us that we reap what we sow in this life (Gal 6:7).  We make certain choices that get us addicted to sin… we must make choices (often painful – like disclosing the sin) to remove the addiction.  The fact that you are praying for your children is wonderful, but they are responsible for their own decisions, and God won’t force them to change if that isn’t what they want.

As far as books we would recommend, the best thing you can do is read your Bible – especially the Psalms – to get you through this time of grief.  The Psalms are songs and prayers written by faithful people who sometimes suffered greatly.  That is our number one recommendation to someone in your situation – read the Psalms.  Otherwise, if you need help finding a congregation, we would be happy to help you find one.

Marriage By Design

Tuesday, March 19, 2019
     Is it sinful to become aroused? Or have sexual desires?


Dear Confused,

Sexual desires are not wrong, but like all desires, they must be fulfilled in only righteous ways.  God designed men and women to be attracted to one another.  God even said, "It is not good for man to be alone." (Gen 2:18)  God's solution to Adam's loneliness was marriage to Eve (Gen 2:24).  Sexual desires are normal, but we must guard against sinful temptations that are often associated with those desires – temptations like adultery, pornography, and other types of fornication.  We should flee from all those things (1 Cor 6:18).  However, the desires aren't in and of themselves wrong; they are just designed to be fulfilled in marriage (1 Cor 7:1-2).

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