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The Day The Music Died

Friday, September 18, 2015

Over the years, I have downloaded music off of the internet for my family and myself.  I know that within the past few years that the laws have gotten stricter on that subject.  I am not sure how many songs I have that would be consider "not legal" due to all of the rules.  Also, I know that years ago almost everyone would use tape recorders to record music off of the radio, and no one really ever said anything about that.  I was thinking of deleting everything that I have. I do not want to break God’s law, but the more I think about it, I know that it would be near impossible to figure out what would be "legal" and what would not be.  I hate to lose my songs that I grew up on.  I was thinking that I would just not download any more unless I was sure that it was legal and just keep what I have now.  Is that okay?  I am so confused because I also have a bad case of "OCD" that makes me think about things too much.  I want to do what God wants. Would God really want me to delete everything or just be careful from now on and keep what I have because I would not be able to separate the legal from the non-legal?  Also, with the way laws are, what is legal today will not be legal tomorrow, so it is like a never-ending battle keeping up with it.  I don't care about the law of this world; I only care about God's law.

Sincerely, Soundly Confused

Dear Soundly Confused,

Pirated music is definitely illegal, and you are right in being concerned about the morality of it. If you were stealing the CDs from a retail store, you would return them no matter how much work it took. We must keep in mind that just because it is more socially acceptable to steal music through online sites, that doesn’t make it any less of a moral issue.

The first and most important thing is that you steal no more (Eph 4:28). You have already committed to this, and it is commendable. After that, you must deal with the rest of your music collection in a way that allows you to feel comfortable legally and have a clear conscience. If you have any songs that you know are illegal – delete them. This also means that if someone makes you aware at a later date that some of your music is pirated, you should be ready to delete it then. Take the attitude of Zacchaeus who was ready to make restitution for his past wrongs whenever possible (Lk 19:8). It is true that government regulations are always changing, but we are still bound by them (Rom 13:1-2).

You also mentioned that you are “OCD” on this subject. That is probably a sign that your conscience is bothered by you having this music. If you can’t do something in faith, it is sin (Rom 14:23). It is very important that we keep a clear conscience in all that we do (Acts 23:1). If you are bothered by the music collection, it is better to delete it all and suffer a loss than to keep it (Matt 18:8-9). It may feel like a drastic choice, but it would be well worth the loss of both your legal and illegal music if it purified your conscience (1 Pet 2:19).

Wet Diapers

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I was baptized as an infant in my parents' church.  I know that baptism is supposed to be an (adult) individual's decision to follow the calling of God and to repent of an (adult) individual's sin.  Still, I can't help but think that my baptism was at least partially valid since it was done in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  If/when I get baptized as an adult, could it be a baptism that is done just to make sure I'm saved - so not necessarily to be re-baptized, but as a just-in-case?

Sincerely, Not A Little Kid Anymore

Dear Not A Little Kid Anymore,

There is no authority or example of infant baptism in the Bible. Infant baptism does nothing but get the child wet (and often crabby). The fact that it was done “in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” doesn’t make a difference. To do something ‘in the name of God’ is to proclaim that you are doing it by the authority of God. Many people proclaim to do things by God’s authority and yet are completely wrong. Jesus Himself said that many people will say that they had God’s authority and yet will be rejected by God on the Day of Judgment (Matt 7:21-23). Infant baptism is a great example of this principle. God never condones or commands infants to be baptized, and yet (sadly) many, many churches do it and claim that they do it by God’s authority. Infant baptism is a false teaching, pure and simple. It ignores the authority of the Scriptures (1 Jhn 4:6).

Biblical baptism is for those capable of repenting (Acts 2:38). It is an adult decision and is a requirement for salvation (1 Pet 3:21, Mk 16:16). This is the only baptism that can truly be said is done “in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” (Matt 28:19). If someone has been baptized in this way, they never need to be re-baptized. If you haven’t been baptized in this way… you never were really baptized into Christ’s baptism in the first place.

Dangerous Minds

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A few months ago, I read something I felt was bad about God on the internet. One night, out of nowhere, I had a thought of what I read come across my mind. I asked for forgiveness, and I tried to forget about it. I thought of it again a day ago, and now it is haunting me. Will God forgive me?

Sincerely, Frustratingly Fixated

Dear Frustratingly Fixated,

There is a difference between something popping into your brain and you purposefully dwelling upon an evil thought. Everyone has random thoughts and random ideas entering their mind – it is what you do with those thoughts that matter. The devil placed the thought of betraying Christ into the mind of Judas (Jhn 13:2), but when Judas acted upon those thoughts, he sinned (Lk 22:48).

James explains how sin is conceived in the mind, but then it is brought forth and born when we dwell upon it (Jas 1:14-15). From what you have said, you haven’t sinned yet. However, it is always a good idea to counteract ungodly thoughts with godly thoughts. Do what Paul told the Philippians – dwell upon good things, and the positive will begin to replace the negative (Php 4:8).

Proud of Pride?

Monday, September 14, 2015

If sin, pride, coldness, and self-will are hindrances to walking in the Spirit, why is pride so acceptable among Christians, and should that be okay?

Sincerely, A Humble Heart

Dear A Humble Heart,

In English, we use the word ‘pride’ in three different ways – two positive, one negative. The Bible condemns pride that is arrogant and haughty (Jas 4:6). When someone is “full of pride”, we mean that they are self-willed and unwilling to yield to God’s authority. This kind of pride is always wrong.

In English, we also use the word ‘pride’ as a way of explaining attention to detail. If someone says, “I take great pride in my work,” they mean that they are careful and meticulous to do the job properly. That type of pride is pleasing in God’s eyes. God wants christians to work hard and have an appreciation for doing things properly (Col 3:23).

Lastly, the word ‘pride’ is used to express how we feel about things. When someone is “proud of their child”, they are expressing appreciation… which is perfectly appropriate. Paul constantly showed appreciation for the brethren (2 Thess 1:3). Paul would even single out individual christians, like Priscilla and Aquila, for specific praise and acknowledgement (Rom 16:3-5). This kind of pride is also acceptable.

The word ‘pride’ can be confusing because we use it more broadly in English than it was used in Greek. The context of a situation will tell you whether the word is being used in a moral or immoral way.

Should The Hip-Hop Stop?

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Is it okay to listen to “Christian Music”? I know the Bible says to sing and make melody in your heart, but outside of church and worship, can you listen to instrumental Christian music? I feel like it's better to listen to than some of the other stuff that is out there.

Sincerely, Rhythm And Lyrics

Dear Rhythm And Lyrics,

It isn’t inherently wrong to listen to “Christian Music”, but it is worth considering the effects it will have upon your influence, your behavior, and your conscience. You are right, God asks us to worship Him through singing and making melody in our heart (Eph 5:19). God never asks for any instrument to be plucked but our heart strings. That is the worship He asks for, and that is the worship we should give Him - no more and no less (Rev 22:18-19, Deu 4:2).

If you are going to listen to religious music with instrumental accompaniment, you must understand that they recorded it as a form of worship as well as a form of entertainment… which is wrong. Therefore, by buying and actively listening to such music, you may be sending mixed messages to others and supporting an industry that is built upon a false teaching. We have to consider how our behavior looks to others (Matt 5:16). Just because you know anything but acapella worship is wrong doesn’t mean others would.

You also must consider your behavior – are you singing along with the music? If so, are you worshipping God with the words of the song? It is not always easy to discern the line between singing along as a form of entertainment and singing along as worship. You must decide for yourself if your behavior crosses the line between personal enjoyment and active participation in a form of worship God doesn’t desire.

Which brings us to the last question – does it bother your conscience? If you cannot feel completely convinced in your mind that what you are doing is acceptable before God, you have to refrain. Whatever cannot be done in faith is sin (Rom 14:23). If you consider your conscience, your influence, and your behavior before God, only then will you be able to come to a sound personal decision on whether or not you can listen.

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