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Marriage By Design

Tuesday, March 19, 2019
     Is it sinful to become aroused? Or have sexual desires?


Dear Confused,

Sexual desires are not wrong, but like all desires, they must be fulfilled in only righteous ways.  God designed men and women to be attracted to one another.  God even said, "It is not good for man to be alone." (Gen 2:18)  God's solution to Adam's loneliness was marriage to Eve (Gen 2:24).  Sexual desires are normal, but we must guard against sinful temptations that are often associated with those desires – temptations like adultery, pornography, and other types of fornication.  We should flee from all those things (1 Cor 6:18).  However, the desires aren't in and of themselves wrong; they are just designed to be fulfilled in marriage (1 Cor 7:1-2).

Love The Sinner Pt. 2

Monday, March 18, 2019

(This question is in response to “Love The Sinner”)

     I noticed in one of your posts, you were asked if God hates sinners.  No offense, but you seemed a little broad with your answer by just saying He loves people.  If you are basically saying God doesn't hate people, then what does Proverbs 6:19 mean when it says God hates one who sows discord or bears false witness?

Clarification Please

Dear Clarification Please,

Perhaps we were a bit broad-stroked with that answer.  Let’s see if we can clarify.  Jhn 3:16 clearly says that God loves the whole world.  In fact, God teaches that we should love our enemies, just like He does (Matt 5:43-45).  However, that doesn’t mean that God isn’t angry when people sin.  As you said, Pr 6:16-19 says that there are some things God hates, and they are all things that involve wicked living.  God walks that perfect line between always showing a love for humans, regardless of what they’ve done, and having a kindled anger against all those that rebel and destroy with sin.  God loves all man, but He also hates all sin.  His love is a patient love that hopes they will return to Him (2 Pet 3:9).

The Whole Book

Friday, March 15, 2019
     When a person hears the Word, accepts Christ, repents, confesses Christ, is baptized, I understand they are put in the Lamb’s Book of Life.  Now, this is followed by a life of obeying God's commandments, enduring temptation, loving one another, and living for God.  But are God's commandments just to believe in Christ and love one another?  What are the commandments we have to obey?

I’d Like A Checklist

Dear I’d Like A Checklist,

After you are baptized, you become a christian (Acts 2:38).  As you said, after that, you spend the rest of your life growing and following God’s commandments (1 Pet 2:2).  All of the specific commandments are too numerous to list here because the whole Bible is full of God’s commands (Ps 119:160).  All of God’s teachings can be summed up in “love God” and “love your neighbor”… that is what Jesus said on the matter (Matt 22:36-40).  All the rest of the Bible is full of specific rules and principles that help us to properly love God and our fellow man.  A life dedicated to God is built upon the Bible’s teachings (Rom 10:17), and His Word, in its entirety, should be the guide for our lives (Ps 119:105).

Beyond The Grave

Thursday, March 14, 2019
     Is it wrong to pray for someone who is dead?  I was told the Bible says it is wrong, and I don't remember reading that.  Thank you.

Morbid Curiosity

Dear Morbid Curiosity,

1 Jn 5:16 is probably the verse you are thinking of, but that doesn’t really deal with dead people; it pertains to people who are purposefully turning their backs on the Lord.  We are told not to request that God forgive people who aren’t seeking to live faithfully.

Having said that, your question deals with people that are already dead, and that is an entirely different issue.  Heb 9:27 says that people die and then face the judgment.  There is no room for someone’s fate to be changed once they die.  If your goal through prayer is to make it so someone who already died can go to heaven instead of hell, that won’t work.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019
     Does God give us advice on how to correct our children, such as spanking?  Today, society tells us to use time-outs instead... but that doesn't seem to always work.

Tired Parent

Dear Tired Parent,

The Bible is very clear that spanking is an acceptable and effective method of training children.  Pr 29:15 says that “the rod” and reproof give wisdom to a child.  Pr 23:13 says that spanking a child will not kill them, so don’t withhold correction.  Pr 22:15-16 says that all children need the rod of correction to drive foolishness from their hearts and that spanking them will help protect their soul.

The Bible never teaches that parents should abuse, torture, or hit their children out of anger or frustration, but it does teach that corporal punishment is part of a healthy parenting method.  Part of nurturing our children up in the chastening and admonition of the Lord does involve punishment, and that includes spanking (Eph 6:4).

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