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Meeting Needs
Tuesday, September 04, 2018I was reading one of your previous answers, and I came across a couple of statements that confused me. Can you please tell me where the scripture is for the following statement: "The church is allowed to spend money on anything God commands the church to do"?It seems that a previous argument you posted for this statement was summed up as: "Whatever is necessary to fulfill a command is automatically allowed".
I see several problems with the second statement as it relates to the first. Of course whatever is necessary is needed because it is just that… NECESSARY. On the other hand, what we view as necessary, may very well in fact not be. For example, if someone said, "Wash my car," should I build a car wash? We seem to equate the command to assemble with the necessity of a building; when in fact, it is not a NECESSITY. Which works require the use of money by necessity?
The examples we have of the early church using funds were for benevolence, benevolence to needy saints and needy preachers. The Corinthians were commanded to take up a collection on the first day of the week for the needy saints in Jerusalem (1 Cor. 16), and Paul received support as a preacher (2 Cor. 11:8).
I would appreciate your feedback.
Needs Vs. Wants
Dear Needs Vs. Wants,
A building isn’t necessary for a congregation to assemble, but it is necessary that the local church have somewhere to assemble (Heb 10:25)… that is the crux of the issue. We both agree that if something is necessary, it is allowed – that is basic logic. To use your example, if someone said, “Wash my car”, you wouldn’t be required to build a car wash… but you would be required to find some sort of system for washing that car. Any system is allowed, but not all systems would be wise. It wouldn’t be wrong for you to build a car wash, but it would be pretty foolish. Likewise, the church has the authority to do anything that is necessary to fulfill the work God has given it. Read “The Purpose Driven Church” for more details on what the church is authorized to do.
However, what we can do and what we should do are not the same things. As much as the church has the freedom to do whatever is necessary to fulfill its duties, we are also warned not to burden the church with tasks that weigh it down from its primary focuses (1 Tim 5:16). We are also told to be wise and faithful stewards (1 Cor 4:12). This principle is true in our individual lives, and it is also true for the local church. Having a church building isn’t wrong. After all, it is necessary that every congregation have a place to assemble, and the early church met in all sorts of different places. However, each congregation must assess whether owning a building is the wisest and most expedient use of the Lord’s funds.
Eight Days Old
Monday, September 03, 2018When was Moses circumcised?Sincerely,
Medical Records
Dear Medical Records,
In his infancy, Moses was cared for wholly by his biological Jewish parents (Ex 2:2). It was only when he got big enough that they could no longer hide Moses from the Egyptians that Moses was put amongst the reeds to be found and adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter (Ex 2:3-5). Moses’ parents were faithful Jews (Heb 11:23) and would have had Moses circumcised at the appropriate time. All male children were supposed to be circumcised when they were eight days old (Gen 17:10-12). Therefore, Moses was circumcised when he was eight days old.
Friday, August 31, 2018I've found if I pray in bed that I always fall asleep mid-prayer, so much so that I can use prayer to relax myself to sleep if I'm having trouble drifting off. My question is this; is it disrespectful to God to use prayer to fall asleep, or is having God be the last thought of my day better than anything else I could be thinking about to distract myself to sleep?Sincerely,
Talking In My Sleep
Dear Talking In My Sleep,
This is one of those questions that is left up to each person’s individual wisdom and conscience. You have already vocalized both arguments. On one side, it could be viewed as disrespectful that you are always falling asleep mid-conversation with the Lord… after all, it is no different than if you were talking to a person late at night. If anything, it is even more important that you show proper respect and reverence because He is more than a person – He is our Lord and Master (Heb 12:28).
On the other hand, an equally valid argument could be made that you fall asleep because of the closeness of the relationship and the peace that comes from being near your Father. After all, we are told that prayer and joy are closely knit together (Ps 1:5-7), and we are also told that prayer helps to alleviate suffering (Jas 5:13).
In short, you must examine yourself and decide which category your behavior fits into.
Head Count
Thursday, August 30, 2018Are Jesus and God the same person?Sincerely,
Dear Recalculating,
There are three members of the Godhead: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt 28:19). Each of the three is fully God and have all the powers of Deity. Read "The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit" for details on their relationship one to the other. Jesus is definitely one of the Godhead. Jhn 1:1 and Php 2:5-9 make it clear that Jesus is Deity.
The Power To Wait
Wednesday, August 29, 2018If God is so powerful and mighty, can't He just destroy the devil and evil? Why doesn't He just be, like, “BAM!”… and the devil and the evil in the world be gone?Sincerely,
Dear Ka-Pow,
God does have the power to destroy the devil and all evil, and eventually, that is exactly what He will do (Matt 25:41). God tells us that the reason He hasn’t destroyed all evil is because that would involve destroying all sinful people as well. After all, sin is what causes evil. God, in His abundant patience, is waiting to give as many people as possible the chance to repent and turn to Him, so they can be forgiven (2 Pet 3:5-9). God promises that one day He will destroy all evil; the really question is: whose side will we be on in that day?