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Day 253 - Revelation 15
Thursday, December 21, 20175 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom
A Chosen Lifestyle
Thursday, December 21, 2017I recently found out that my friend has looked at homosexual pornography. He says that he is not this way, and he does not know why he does this. He also says he has never done any other homosexual act. Is this person homosexual, and what does he need to do? Please help.Sincerely,
Concerned Friend
Dear Concerned Friend,
From a Bible standpoint, being ‘homosexual’ means to ‘engage in sexually immoral behavior involving the same gender’. Homosexuality is an activity and a choice. The Bible clearly condemns an active homosexual lifestyle (Rom 1:26-27, Jude 1:7). Homosexuality is like any other sin – you have a choice. If someone wishes to not be homosexual, they need to stop engaging in homosexual behavior. That is what your friend needs to do. Paul praised the Corinthian church because some of the christians there had once been homosexual and had since repented of that sin (1 Cor 6:9-11). We choose to sin, and we can choose to stop sinning. God tells us to flee fornication (1 Cor 6:18). That is what your friend needs to do – FLEE. Turn off the computer, run from activities associated with homosexuality, seek counseling if necessary (Pr 15:22), and pursue things that are wholesome and good (Php 4:8). When we replace bad behavior with good behavior, we set ourselves up to successfully conquer our sins.
Day 252 - Revelation 14
Wednesday, December 20, 20175 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom
I've Got The Joy, Joy, Joy
Wednesday, December 20, 2017If I have lost my joy, how do I get it back?Sincerely,
Dear Joyless,
Suffering and sorrow are some of the most poignant experiences of human existence, and all the great men and women of the Bible faced them. David said that his bed swam with tears many nights (Ps 6:6-7). He also said that his sorrow was continually before him (Ps 38:17). Isa 53:3 calls Jesus the “Man of Sorrows”. Suffering is a constant reminder that this world is not our home and that our spirits will someday rise upward to meet our God (Eccl 3:19-21). All of God’s faithful are strangers and pilgrims on this planet (Heb 11:13).
We cannot imagine what you are going through; you alone know your heart’s grief (Pr 14:10). There is hope. Trials can make us stronger if we reach out to the Lord (Rom 5:3-5). If there is anything we can do, or if we can put you in contact with a faithful congregation that could buoy you up and prepare you for heaven, please e-mail us at
Day 251 - Revelation 13
Tuesday, December 19, 20175 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom