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Day 226 - 1 Peter 4

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

Marriage Matters

Tuesday, November 14, 2017
What are some good Bible verses that tell us same-sex marriage/relationships are wrong?

Looking For Bible Answers

Dear Looking For Bible Answers,

There are numerous verses that condemn homosexuality.  In the New Testament, 1 Cor 6:9 specifically states that homosexuals cannot inherit the kingdom.  Rom 1:26-27 says that homosexuality is a perversion of God’s natural design of men and women.  1 Cor 7:2 points out that marriage is intended for a man and a woman (Matt 19:4-6 also states this).  Jude 1:7 points out that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their homosexual behavior.  Those are some of the most forthright New Testament verses on the subject.

Day 225 - 1 Peter 3

Monday, November 13, 2017

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

Naughty, Naughty Illuminati

Monday, November 13, 2017
Who are the Illuminati, and what do they believe in?  Is it a cult?

Not An Illuminati

Dear Not An Illuminati,

The Illuminati was a Bavarian secret society formed in 1776 in Ingolstadt, Germany.  Similar to the Freemason society, the Illuminati was a secret society with religious, as well as secular, elements to it.  The truth is that the Illuminati and societies that diverged from the Illuminati died out years ago.  It is the pop-fiction industry that has revived the term ‘Illuminati’ by creating conspiracy-theory books that portray the Illuminati as a surviving secret society bent on ushering in a new world order.  These books make for exciting fireside reading, but they are still fiction.  The Illuminati was a cult that existed in Europe several centuries ago, but it no longer is a factor in today’s society.

Day 224 - 1 Peter 2

Friday, November 10, 2017

5 minutes a day 5 days a week - a year of Bible Wisdom

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