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Missing The Spirit

Thursday, July 13, 2017
Will the Holy Spirit of God ever leave a born-again christian?  I have read several people saying ‘yes’ and several people saying ‘no’.

Yea Or Nay?

Dear Yea Or Nay,

The Holy Spirit no longer abides with us when we fall away.  It is possible for a christian to lose their salvation.  Heb 2:1-3 says we can “drift” away from the truth and “neglect” our salvation.  If after becoming christians we return to a willful life of sin, we will lose our salvation (Heb 10:26-27).  Heb 6:4-6 points out that returning to a sinful life is an act of rebellion that re-crucifies Christ.  Yes, a christian can fall away.

Deluded By Dishonesty

Friday, July 07, 2017
I have a friend who asked me a question.  He asked me about 2 Thess 2:11.  He wanted to know why God would send a "strong delusion" to man.  He feels it is God allowing Satan to cover the eyes of man.  I told him it was most likely because man is so obsessed with evil; it’s God's way of rubbing their nose in it.  I told him that when man desires evil, that's what he gets (evil).  Could you explain this whole thing to me so that I can give him the answer he seeks?

Friendly Counsel

Dear Friendly Counsel,

2 Thess 2:11 is referring to only a certain group of people – those who refuse salvation because they are unwilling to love the truth (2 Thess 2:10).  What your friend is concerned about it is that God would somehow allow Satan to keep people from having the freedom to see the truth, but that isn’t what this verse is referring to.  Jhn 3:16 makes it clear that God sent His Son so that everyone would have the freedom to choose salvation, and Ezek 18:23 shows that God doesn’t desire any of the wicked to perish.  The strong delusion referred to in 2 Thess 2:11 is the same as the seared conscience mentioned in 1 Tim 4:2.  When people refuse salvation and refuse to see the truth, they will naturally become more and more wicked because they will make bad choices.  They will sear their own conscience and become deluded with evil.  If we are honest, we draw closer to the truth; if we are dishonest, we move farther from it.

Earning A Gift

Wednesday, July 05, 2017
If you were Muslim, cured cancer, saved millions of lives, and ended world hunger, would you still go to hell simply for not being christian?

Just Curious

Dear Just Curious,

If you are a Muslim, you will go to hell.  If you are anything other than a christian, you will go to hell.  Nobody gets to heaven because they are such a good person (Rom 3:27-28).  Everyone has sinned and fallen short of the perfection that gives you a right to enter heaven’s gates (Rom 3:23).  No amount of good deeds cancel out your bad deeds.  If I save a million lives, but murder one – I am still a murderer.  Sin requires forgiveness, and forgiveness is a gift (Rom 6:23).  We receive that gift through Jesus’ sacrifice (Jhn 3:16), and we can only be redeemed by Jesus’ blood when we place our faith in Him (Rom 3:24-25).  We place our faith in Christ when we hear His Word (Rom 10:17) and obey it.  There is no way to God except through Christ (Jhn 14:6).  We here at AYP are unashamed to call Jesus our Lord (Rom 10:16-17) and proclaim Him as the only way to heaven (Jhn 10:7-11).

Finding The Way

Thursday, June 29, 2017
I want to live by God.  I’m only twenty years old, and I want know how.  I have heard people say no scary movies, no cussing, and the Ten Commandments have to be followed.  I’m Pentecostal; there are so many things that have to be done, like reading the Bible (which I don’t understand completely… too many big words I don’t understand) and I want to get into this, but I don’t’ know how to go about it.  I have done many bad or horrible things in my life, very bad things, and I cuss like a steam engine.  Will God forgive me?  I’ve never been baptized or saved.  I’m ready to change; can God forgive me and give me a chance? And I heard I have to give ten percent of my money to the church (and all my money goes to my kids and bills, literally)… something about the Bible speaking of pay your tithes.  Can you help me get started with God; I would so appreciate it.  Thank you.

A Fresh Start

Dear A Fresh Start,

The easiest way for us to help you is to put you in contact with a congregation near you.  The reason you are confused is because so many churches teach things that aren't in the Bible.  God isn't confusing (1 Cor 14:33); manmade religions are confusing (Jas 3:16).  The Pentecostal church is full of things that you won't find in the Bible – that is probably why you have had so many difficulties understanding what it takes to be saved.

We would be happy to get you in touch with a preacher or congregation in your area that can teach you what it takes to become a christian (and don't worry... we are interested in your soul, not your money).  If you would like our help, simply e-mail us at with the part of the country you live in, and we will try and find a faithful group in your area.

Complete Confidence

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
How do you know FOR SURE that you are saved?  I have many reasons and personal experiences that make me believe that I am saved, but I also have a very strong doubt that I am not.  If someone killed me right now, I would not know where I would go, and that is terrifying to me.  Someone once told me, "If you are 99% sure you are going to heaven, you are going to hell".  Well, I am about 50% sure; I don’t know what to do or believe.  I have trusted Jesus in my heart, and I also read the Bible and have read the book of John where it says, "So that you may know", but I still don’t know!  If I am saved, why do I doubt?  Why am I absolutely terrified of dying?  Why can’t I stop doing what I do that I KNOW disappoints Him?  If I were really and TRULY saved... wouldn’t all this be fixed?


Dear Doubting,

We can have confidence in our salvation when we have obeyed the Bible.  The Bible is God’s power to bring us salvation (Rom 1:16).  The Bible teaches that you are saved when you listen to what the Scriptures say (Rom 10:17), believe in Jesus (Jhn 3:16), repent (‘repent’ means ‘change your mind’ – Acts 17:30), and are baptized (Mk 16:16, Acts 2:38, 1 Pet 3:21).  Once you are baptized, you become a christian.

After that, it is a matter of growing and learning like all children do (1 Pet 2:2).  Salvation comes from obeying God’s Word, not from how we feel.  Many people feel that they are saved… and actually they are lost (Matt 7:21-23).  The proof of salvation is found in aligning your life with the Bible’s teachings.  The Bible doesn’t require that we live perfectly, but it does require that we live faithfully (Rom 1:17).  When we combine our faith with a life that works for Christ (Jas 2:14-17), we can have confidence in our salvation.  If you would like help finding a congregation in your area that teaches and practices what the Bible says, e-mail us at

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