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Real Work

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

(This post is a response to “Real… For Real Pt. 2”.)

     First of all, I want to say you are amazing, and what you're doing is AMAZING!  I cannot thank God enough that I have found you!!!  You said that “we must each work out our own salvation with fear and trembling."  What exactly does that mean?  Does that mean it's normal that I’m scared?


Dear Asking,

We are so glad that our answers are helping you!  Yes, Php. 2:12 does mean that it is healthy to have a certain level of fear when thinking about spiritual things.  After all, your soul’s eternal fate is the most important issue in your whole life.  Whether you go to heaven or hell is a big deal!
Proverbs 1:7 says that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.  We were made by God and for God; until we understand that, nothing in life makes sense.  Having a healthy respect for God is an essential ingredient to a healthy life.

Coming Back To God

Friday, November 06, 2020
     Once you lose your salvation, can you get it back?  I always heard of "back sliding" or something.  Once it's gone, is it forever gone, or can you be forgiven and regain your salvation?  If everyone sins, then doesn't that mean that sinning alone won't cause you to lose your salvation?  If that's the truth, what will?

Sliding Forward

Dear Sliding Forward,

It takes more than just sin to lose your salvation – it takes a lifestyle of intentional sin… and yes, those that fall away can come back to God.  Let us give you an example.  In 1 Cor 5:1, the apostle Paul rebuked the church at Corinth because there was a member in that congregation that was committing fornication with his father’s wife – definitely a sin.  The man knew it was wrong, accepted that it was wrong, and still continued to live that lifestyle.  Paul said the church needed to rebuke him and withdraw from him (1 Cor 5:13).  That is what losing your salvation looks like…  choosing intentionally to live a life away from God’s will and not attempting to correct your faults.  If we are trying to correct our lives and change, God will forgive us even if we fail over and over again (Lk 17:3-4)… but when we stop trying, we’ve broken the faith.

Now let’s deal with a Christian that falls away from God and then wants to come back.  We’ll use that same man in 1 Cor 5:1 as our example.  Paul later wrote a second letter to the Corinthian church, and in it, that wayward man had repented of his sin, and Paul told the Corinthians to forgive him and reaffirm their love for him (2 Cor 2:6-8).  So, the moral of the story is that even those who fall away can return to God once more.

Looking For A Feeling

Tuesday, October 27, 2020
     I have confessed to God, asked Him to come into my life and change me according to His will.  I have acknowledged my belief in Jesus' dying on the cross and also His blood cleansing/washing away my sins as well as Him being crucified on the cross and being resurrected on the third day.  But why don't I feel different?


Dear Numb,

It is impossible to say why you (or anyone else) feel a certain way.  Emotions are fickle and can be deceiving.  Some people feel that they are saved when, in fact, they are lost (Matt 7:21-23), but whether our heart condemns us or not isn’t what saves us (1 Jn 3:19-21).  It is our adherence to God’s Word that saves us (Rom 1:16).  If you are doing what God says you must do to be saved, then you can have confidence regardless of how you feel (see “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” for further details).  Serving God is often an issue of doing what is right without regard to our emotions… showing bravery when we are afraid, working when we are tired, praying when we feel we aren’t heard, and persevering when we are discouraged.  One of Satan’s greatest tools to destroy us is that we often don’t feel as we ought, and sin has a way of numbing us to the truth of God’s Word (Heb 3:13).

To Infinity And Beyond

Friday, October 16, 2020
What do you have to do to get into heaven?


Dear Heaven-Bound,

The Bible outlines five things you must do to become a christian. The question, “What must I do to be saved?” is the most important question any human can ever ask. Plenty of groups will pick and choose what they want to focus on. Many groups say that all you must do is “believe in your heart” and you will be saved – unfortunately, this is cherry-picking out one requirement and leaving the rest behind. We must always remember that the sum of God’s Word provides the truth (Ps 119:160). Belief is obviously an important element to salvation, but it is not the only condition. The Bible outlines five separate requirements for salvation, and all of them are necessary.

  1. Hear the Word. Faith comes through hearing, and hearing comes through the Word of God (Rom 10:17). Until someone hears God’s Word, they are incapable of obeying it.
  2. Believe the Word. It is impossible for someone to become a christian unless they believe that Jesus is the Savior and Son of God (Jhn 20:31, Acts 16:31, Jhn 3:16).
  3. Repent of your sins. ‘Repent’ means to ‘change your mind’. That change of mind always involves a change of action as well. Repentance is when we change our mind about what is important and submit ourselves to Jesus and His Word. Repentance is a necessity of salvation (Mk 6:12, Lk 13:5, Lk 15:7).
  4. Confess Jesus to others. If we have sworn our allegiance to Jesus, we must be prepared to publicly confess Him as our Lord. If we won’t confess Jesus before men, He won’t confess us before God (Matt 10:32-33, Lk 12:8-9).
  5. Be baptized in the name of Jesus for salvation. Many groups baptize people, but very few baptize people for the right reasons. Baptism isn’t merely an “outward showing of an inward faith” or “for membership”. Baptism is what saves us (1 Pet 3:21). Baptism is the point where someone goes from being lost to saved because they are buried and resurrected with Christ (Rom 6:4-5). Baptism is the final requirement to become a christian (Acts 2:37-38, Mk 16:16, Acts 2:41). There is not a single example of someone becoming a christian without baptism. Baptism is just as necessary as the other four requirements.

After that, there remains nothing else but to find a faithful congregation to assemble with (Heb 10:24) that teaches God’s Word and God’s Word only (see “Finding a Church” for more details) and to continue to grow in knowledge and practice of God’s Word (1 Pet 2:2).  If you would like help finding a faithful church in your area – simply e-mail us at and we would be happy to help you locate one.

Once To The Water

Thursday, October 15, 2020
      I have been raised in church all my life and have been baptized in water.  I have recently rededicated my life to the Lord, and I am thinking I would like to be re-baptized.  I was wondering about this… if I should do this as a sign that I am totally selling out to God.  What do you think?

Starting Over

Dear Starting Over,

The word ‘baptism’ simply means ‘immersion’ – it is the reason for your immersion that makes baptism a soul-saving act.  When we understand that baptism saves us from our sins (1 Pet. 3:21) and are baptized by the authority of Christ (Acts 2:38) and believe in His Name (Mk. 16:16), then that baptism saves us.  Many people are baptized without understanding these things… in which case, they just get wet.  You will have to evaluate for yourself whether or not you understood what you were doing when you were baptized the first time.  If you did, there is no need for re-baptism.  If you believe you didn’t know what you were doing, then you should be re-baptized.

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