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Sin Makes God Sad

Thursday, March 26, 2020
If I sin does God still love me?

I Made A Mistake

Dear I Made A Mistake,

The Lord loves people but hates sin.  God tells us it is appropriate to be happy when evil is destroyed because it means righteousness is prevailing (Pr 28:28), but God also says that it pains Him when the wicked perish (Ezek 18:23).  God loves us so much that He sent His own Son to die for our sins (Jhn 3:16), but He hates sin so much that if we don’t take advantage of the forgiveness that is in Christ, God will separate Himself from us (Lk 13:27).  When we sin, God wants us to repent of that sin and come to Christ that we might be saved.  Read “Five Steps To Salvation” for what it takes to become a Christian and have your sins removed.

Heaven Or Bust

Tuesday, March 17, 2020
     I am worried about going to heaven; I pray often, but I have never felt the Holy Ghost.  I am wondering, and sometimes I have sinful thoughts.  What can I do to make it to heaven, be with my passed family members, and be with my Lord?

Getting Home

Dear Getting Home,

The Holy Spirit dwells in those that follow the Bible and put to death their previous sinful lifestyles (Rom 8:12-14). The Holy Spirit gave us the Bible, and when we follow it, we are led by the Spirit. Those who are led by the Spirit are sons of God, and the Spirit dwells in them (Rom 8:14-16).

Christians do have the Holy Spirit dwell in them (Rom 8:9) – but not literally. The Holy Spirit dwells in christians in the same metaphorical way that Christ dwells in christians (Rom 8:10). The Holy Spirit and Jesus do not physically dwell inside christians miraculously, therefore, you don’t “feel” the Holy Spirit in you.  They dwell within christians in a figurative way because a christian’s life follows the path the Holy Spirit and Christ set for them.

If you do the five things the Bible says to become a Christian, the Holy Spirit will be in you as you walk the path that He has set for you.  Read “Five Steps To Salvation” for more information on what those five things are.

Child At Heart

Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Hello; I'm wondering if a person is born with mental deformities and can't understand the concept of the Lord, will they still reach heaven?

Heart For Others

Dear Heart For Others,

Those with mental handicaps would fall under the same rules as children.  In order to obey the gospel, we must have the maturity to:

  1. Take responsibility for our sins (Acts 3:19).
  2. Hear and understand the Word of God (Rom 10:17).
  3. Be responsible for our own spiritual growth (1 Pet 2:1-2).

Children and those with certain mental handicaps do not have that ability, and God only holds us accountable for what we are able to do (2 Cor 8:11-12).  Just like children, they will go to heaven.

H2O x 2

Friday, February 14, 2020
     Sixteen years ago, when I was nine years old, I made a profession of faith and was baptized, but I don't think I fully understood what it means to truly follow Christ until years later when I was in college.  As a child, I thought you just had to mentally believe and not follow Christ.  Is there any biblical reason why I could not be baptized a second time now that I fully understand what it means to be a Christian?

Older And Wiser

Dear Older And Wiser,

The word ‘baptism’ simply means ‘immersion’ – it is the reason for your immersion that makes baptism a soul-saving act.  When we understand that baptism saves us from our sins (1 Pet. 3:21) and are baptized by the authority of Christ (Acts 2:38) and believe in His Name (Mk. 16:16), then that baptism saves us.  Many people are baptized without understanding these things… in which case, they just get wet.  You will have to evaluate for yourself whether or not you understood what you were doing when you were baptized.  If you did, there is no need for re-baptism.  If you believe you didn’t know what you were doing, then you should be rebaptized.

What Prevents Me?

Monday, February 10, 2020
     I just started going to church about three months ago, and I feel so blessed to be a part of what God is and His message.  I have a friend who inspired me to go to the church in the first place, and I told him recently that I want to get baptized.  My church does group baptisms and won’t be having one probably for months.  My friend really wants me to get baptized ASAP even though I’m okay with waiting.  He thinks it’s bad for me to wait.  Is it a bad thing to wait?


Dear Patient,

A church that only does group baptisms every three or four months doesn’t understand what baptism is all about.  In the Bible, when people were ready to be baptized, they were baptized immediately (Acts 16:33).  The word ‘baptism’ simply means ‘immersion’ – it is the reason for your immersion that makes baptism a soul-saving act.  When we understand that baptism saves us from our sins (1 Pet. 3:21) and are baptized by the authority of Christ (Acts 2:38) and believe in His Name (Mk. 16:16), then that baptism saves us.  Many people are baptized without understanding these things… in which case, they just get wet.  Baptism isn’t merely an “outward showing of an inward faith” or “for membership”.  Baptism is what saves us (1 Pet 3:21).  Baptism is the point when someone goes from being lost to being saved because they are buried and resurrected with Christ (Rom 6:4-5).  Baptism is the final requirement to become a Christian.  There is not a single example of someone becoming a Christian without baptism.

It is definitely a bad thing to wait, and as attached as you may be to your church, you should seriously consider that they aren’t teaching the total truth of God’s Word.  We would be happy to point you toward congregations in your area that teach everything the Bible says and don’t leave important details out.  Your friend is right.  E-mail us at if we can be of help.

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